Thursday, May 17, 2007
Hi again, its been a very...relaxing week for me having to slack at home for 2 weeks.The day that i have been waiting for is coming very soon.Just think, one more week and....ord!i cant wait to take my leave and Slack at home...after 13 yrs of studying and 2 yrs of being the 'scum' of society, i can finally be a civillian again.Oh the thought of lazing around and enjoying some of the deserved rest i've been looking forward to for yrs!Anyway, im going to have a durian feast today.Yeah,Durians!!!!Some how, i just want to take a step back and appreciate(Yes,enjoy) the Lord's blessings in my life and enjoy the finer side of life.Ta Ta for now!
Monday, May 14, 2007
Its been a few weeks since my last post.Anyway,i havent been doing my qt for the last few days.Thank God i managed to read the whole of 1 Tim today.Just started the process of studying it inductively cause it is a book of advice on spiritual leadership.Im trusting the Lord for the discipline to complete my study on this book.Besides this, im embarking on a study on prayer in order to examine and allow God to strengthen my prayer life.Well, time flies very fast and i hope that i will be ready to move on to the next phase of life and embrace the new ministry that i will be moving to.Yup, next yr may be my last yr in ym..from the way things are going and with God's permisssion..of course.Its time to move from discipleship to outreach and prayer cause these are the other gifts and passions that God has entrusted me with(besides teaching and discipleship/mentoring).Oh well, for my beloved youths in Emmanuel,my prayer for you is that you will learn to trust God more with your lives and your time.There is nothing that can substitute the love that God provides in the his church.You may not realise it now but you'll start to reap the rewards much later if you start to invest more into God's kingdom by strengthening and growing the fellowship you have with each other.It will be a pity to see this gp disintegrate after the many yrs we spent together.For those who bother to listern,keep the love flowing and uphold the flame of Christ in your lives.The Christian life is like a marathon:Its good to start well but it is more important that we end well.So for those who are struggling in their walk with God,do not despair.Fight the good fight.Let us press on because we have God and those who went before us cheering us on.We run this race not by ourselves, but as a team- as one body in Christ.Jia You.